Annahieta Kalantari



Annahieta Kalantari, DO is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician practicing in Hershey, PA. After graduating from Pennsylvania State University, she attended medical school at the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Erie, PA and completed her residency in Emergency Medicine at St. Luke’s University Hospital in Bethlehem, PA. Since graduation she has served as the Associate Program Director of the Emergency Medicine Residency Program at Aria Jefferson Health. As faculty, she has developed and built a point of care ultrasound program as the Director of Point of Care Ultrasonography. She then shifted her focus to sepsis care, building the Sepsis Alert program as the Chair of the Sepsis Management Committee. Under her guidance, this program has improved hospital sepsis mortality rates to levels below national benchmarks. She currently serves as the Associate Program Director of the Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Vice Chair for Education, and is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine with Penn State Health. Dr. Kalantari is also an internationally known speaker and author. Her clinical talks range from sepsis care to cardiogenic shock, physician wellness, establishing a stress mindset and burnout. Dr. Kalantari also serves as a faculty mentor for the ALiEM Wellness Think Tank and as a speaking coach for FeminEM. She is a writer for FeminEM, EmDocs, Emergency Medicine News and The Teach Institute blogs. Dr. Kalantari is the recipient of multiple teaching and speaking awards, including the Aria Jefferson Emergency Medicine Educator of the Year teaching award. She was awarded the American College of Emergency Physicians Teaching Fellowship Micro-teach award and was awarded first place in her category in the American College of Emergency Physicians New Speakers Forum.

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